Thursday, 21 October 2010

Si parla di lingue straniere alla radio

Cliccate qui per ascoltare un'interessante intervista radiofonica tenuta proprio questa mattina dalla mia collega Sieglinde Ward sul tema delle lingue straniere e degli errori che si ripetono:

L'intervista la trovate verso la fine, intorno al punto 2.42

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Proiezione di un film francese

Just a reminder that on Wednesday 10 November at 6.45 pm in 03MS01 the following French film will be screened at the University of Surrey:

Paris (2008)

by Cédric Klapisch with Juliette Binoche and Roman Duris

Runtime time 125 minutes

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance

Pierre, a professional dancer, suffers from a serious heart disease. While he is waiting for a transplant which may (or may not) save his life, he has nothing better to do than look at the people around him, from the balcony of his Paris apartment. When Elise, his sister with three kids and no husband, moves in to his place to care for him, Pierre does not change his new habits. And instead of dancing himself, it is Paris and the Parisians who dance before his eyes

Seats allocated on a first come, first served basis. There will be a presentation before the screening and a discussion afterwards

Monday, 4 October 2010

Proiezione di un film spagnolo

On Thursday 21st October at 6.45 pm in 03MS01 there will be the screening of a Spanish film open to all students and staff at the University of Surrey:

El secreto de sus ojos (The secret in their eyes) - 2009

Runtime 127 minutes
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Romance

Unpredictable and rich with symbolism, this Argentinean murder mystery lives up to its Oscar with an engrossing plot, Juan José Campanella's assured direction, and mesmerizing performances from its cast.

Seats allocated on a first come, first served basis. There will be a presentation before the screening and a discussion afterwards

Friday, 1 October 2010

Un programma sulla pasta

Se cliccate su questo link potrete ascoltare un interessante programma sulla pasta, trasmesso da Radio 4 nell'ambito della trasmissione The Food Programme.
Ecco il link: